Exclusive Cocktail workshop, every other week on Wednesday!!


🍹🎉 Unleash Your Inner Mixologist! Join for an unforgettable Cocktail Workshop! 

Maximum 25 people can attend this exclusive workshop organized by MeLounge in St Julians! Every other wednesday, join one or every time! Be ready at 20:00 to shake up!

Are you ready to shake up your social gatherings with tantalizing flavors and dazzling drinks? Look no further! Our Cocktail Workshop is the perfect blend of fun and learning, where you'll master the art of mixology under the guidance of expert bartenders.

Here's what you can expect:

🍸 Hands-on Experience: Get active and shake, stir, and muddle your way to cocktail perfection. Learn the techniques that will impress your friends at your next gathering.

🎓 Expert Guidance: The seasoned mixologists will share insider tips, tricks, and secrets to crafting the perfect cocktail every time. From classic recipes to innovative creations, you'll expand your repertoire and wow your guests.

🥳 Socialize and Sip: Connect with fellow cocktail enthusiasts as you sip on delicious libations and exchange stories. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, there's always something new to discover in the world of cocktails.

🍹 Custom Creations: Experiment with a variety of premium spirits, fresh ingredients, and unique flavor combinations to create signature cocktails that reflect your personal style and taste preferences.

🏆 Friendly Competition: Put your newfound skills to the test in our friendly cocktail-making competition! Show off your creativity and flair as you compete for the title of "Master Mixologist."

Whether you're looking to elevate your home entertaining game or simply indulge in a fun-filled evening with friends, our Cocktail Workshop promises an unforgettable experience that will leave you thirsting for more!

Book your spot now and get ready to raise a glass to the art of mixology! Cheers to unforgettable memories and delicious drinks! 🥂🍹

Tasting is a must!

It is not only learning, you need to taste the creations also. No gals can be empty at the end of the night!

Set dates: 20 March - 3 and 17 April - 1, 15 and 29 May. When you want to book an private cocktail workshop, just contact Jonas from MeLounge on: +356 9933 2178

Location: MeLounge St Julians - Start 20:00 - Duration 2 hours (and then drinks and talk)

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