Fundraiser 2023
In the name of co-founder Shannon Mak, who lost her life on the 3rd of August 2018, we run NedMalta as an NGO to help the Dutch speaking community feel welcome on Malta.
Now, it is time to give back to Malta, as we set a goal to raise €2023,- by the 3rd of August 2023 for the charities:
You can always help, even if you have no money to give! Spread the word, help on the charity events or with the auction. Of course we hope we can donate €2023,- to each of the charities!
NedMalta is een vrijwilligers organisatie die we voortzetten in nagedachtenis van Shannon Mak. Shannon is de mede oprichster van NedMalta. Na haar overlijden op 3 aug 2018 is er besloten onder vrienden NedMalta als een vrijwilligers organisatie door te zetten.
Elk jaar zamelen we geld in voor goede doelen en dit jaar zal dat zijn voor: Woman rights foundation en Foodbank Lifeline Foundation. Natuurlijk met als einddatum 3 aug 2023.
Lees hier alles over hoe we geld in zamelen en hoe je ook kan helpen als je geen geld kan missen momenteel! Voor de mensen die extra actief willen meedenken en meehelpen hebben we een whatsappgroep, join deze vrijblijvend!

"Thank you for choosing to support Women's Rights Foundation, we will ensure any donations received will go towards our mission in not only ensuring the safety and protection of women and girls but also empowering them!"
Foodbank lifeline: at the moment we are helping 350 families, could be individuals, couples or families. With €2023, that amount we could feed 240 individuals for a week

How we will raise the money:
We will have several ways that we will raise the money. Do you have an idea just contact us and we can add this to our list!
- Direct donations (see link below)
- Profits of the: Start of Summer party
- Collection of empty bottles (or just the receipt)
- Auction of donated items
- 3rd August final event (to be created)
Every body can help, also those back in the Netherlands and those that can not donate themself. We need help with the organization. Help with spreading the word and way more!
What shall we do in July? Do you have an idea tell us!
Direct donations
The link below will take you to a direct donation page. This donation page is from a Belgium provider, this because in the Netherlands and Belgium we have different payment methods. This provider supports all payment methods!

Start of Summer party 2023
On the 9th of June we will host our Start of Summer Party 2023. This is one of 3 events per year fully organized by NedMalta. Profits of this event and even a percentage of the bar turnover will be added to the raised amount.
During the event we have small games/merchandise and a coin donation box. Every coin will help in raising the amount!
Dutch vibes and Dutch Music! Of course all nationalities are welcome! Bring your friends, colleagues and all you know!
- Location: Beachclub 1926
- Date: Friday 9th of June
- Door open: 19:00
- Start time: 19:30
- End: 01:00
- Theme: Hawaii

Saturday the 22nd of July we will organize an Auction! Every body is welcome (location Sliema) and bring as many friends as possible!
What will be auctioned off?
No clue yet, that is starting now. So ask your boss, you landlord, the bar you always go to, any other place you can think off and look in your own house. Lets gather a lot of stuff so we can have a brilliant auction day! You can also offer a service like: a haircut, house cleaning, workshop of any kind. Everything is accepted.
Please send an email to: when you have products so we can make a list!
We also need at least 10 people to help on this day. If you want to help also contact us.
Way more coming!
We have until the 3rd of August so more then enough time! We have way more to plan and events to put in the agenda. Keep an eye on the site for all information! Contact us with any questions or comments