Catania, Comiso airports closed as Mount Etna erupts


Ash plume over the south-east of Sicily

Catania and Comiso airport have been closed following a fresh eruption of the Mount Etna volcano which sent an ash cloud into the air across the southeast of Sicily onto the Mediterranean.

A flight to Catania from Malta, due to take off from Malta at 6am did not depart as a result of the closures.

Other air traffic heading towards Malta was being directed away from the ash plume.

Catania airport said it expects to reopen at 1pm.

The eruption was raining ash on Rifugio Sapienza, a popular site on Mt Etna which many Maltese drive up to.

The closure of Catania airport comes just days after it resumed full operations having been closed and then opened gradually following a major fire in its terminal building in mid-July.

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