COVID vaccine booster registration open for all adults 18+


COVID vaccine booster registration open for all adults 18+ as new restrictions come into force

All adults aged 18 and over can from today register to receive their COVID-19 booster dose • Establishments to close at 1am and organised standing events barred

Malta is ramping up its COVID-19 vaccine booster dose campaign with registration open for all adults aged 18 and over from today.

Until Sunday, just over 188,000 booster doses were administered with inoculations continuing even on Christmas Day.

Meanwhile, the vaccination drive is also continuing among children aged between 5 and 11 with the aim being to give the first dose by the end of the holidays. Appointments have been sent by post.

Children receive two injections spaced three weeks apart at a third of the adult dose.

The authorities have been urging people to get their booster dose and not to delay taking it, while parents are being encouraged to vaccinate their children.

Malta is experiencing a surge in COVID cases on the back of waning vaccine immunity, the arrival of the Omicron variant that is more transmissible and increased holiday social interaction.

The exponential increase in infections has resulted in 5,766 active cases in the community, most of which are experiencing mild symptoms. However, hospitalisations have shot up to 80 and five patients are receiving treatment in ITU.

The surge in infections has forced government to introduce restrictions some of which come into force today.

Restrictions come into force

All establishments will have to shut their doors at 1am and organised standing events cannot be held. The new restrictions have prompted the Valletta Cultural Agency to cancel the New Year's Eve celebrations in Valletta.

From today, spectators will also be barred from all sporting events.

As from 17 January, vaccine certificates will have a three-month expiry on the second dose and a nine-month expiry on the booster dose.

The vaccine certificate will be needed to enter a range of establishments, including bars, każini, gyms, casinos, spas, cinemas, theatres and sporting events.