Het word nog drukker op de weg!
Dacht je dat het nu al druk was op de weg? De scholen zijn sinds vandaag weer open, het word nog drukker!

Transport Malta gears up for increased traffic as schools reopen
Transport Malta said on Monday it is taking a number of measures to ease traffic flow as schools reopen and the number of vehicles on the roads increased.
It said meetings had been held with Infrastructure Malta, the police and Lesa, among others, in preparation for the opening of the scholastic year.
Enforcement Officers are being deployed at points where traffic is likely to build up, between 6am and 9.30am and 3.30 to 6.30pm. Transport Malta patrols will also be stepped up.
There will also be more personnel at the Traffic Control Centre (TCC) to ensure quick action in response to traffic build-up.
A free tow-truck service will also be available to ensure roads are quickly cleared if there is a vehicle break-down. The service will be available Mondays to Fridays from 6am to 9.30am and from 3.30pm to 6.30pm on telephone number 80073399. Enforcement officers will also be quickly sent to the scene of break-downs to direct traffic and move the vehicles.
Motorists were urged to plan their route, follow traffic rules and cooperate with enforcement officers.