Het zal de hele week aanvoelen als 41°C: hittegolf voorspelt tot zondag


Europa zet zich schrap voor de warmste temperatuur ooit deze week!

De UV-index zal naar verwachting stijgen tot 11 en zelfs 12, wat betekent dat er een zeer hoog risico is op schade aan de onbeschermde huid.

Malta has not been spared the high temperatures experienced elsewhere in Europe, with the Met Office warning it will feel like 41°C all week.

Temperatures across the globe reached new highs on Monday as heatwaves scorched the northern hemisphere, triggering health warnings and fanning wildfires in the latest stark reminder of the effects of global warming.

Europe, the globe's fastest-warming continent, is reportedly bracing for its hottest-ever temperature this week on Italy's islands of Sicily and Sardinia, where a high of 48°C is predicted.

In Malta, a heatwave that started on Saturday is expected to last all week.

The Met Office is warning the temperature in Malta will reach 40°C by Friday and drop slightly to 39°C on Saturday and Sunday.

Throughout the week it will feel like 41°C and 40°C on the weekend.

The Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate last week urged people to keep hydrated, avoid heat exhaustion and care for the vulnerable.

People should stay out of the sun between 11am and 4pm and keep out of direct sunlight where possible.

Young children and pets should not be left alone in cars, and loose-fitting clothing and hats are advised.

The UV index is forecast to rise to 11 and even 12, meaning there is a very high risk of harm to unprotected skin.

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