Bathers Advised To Avoid Pembroke Area Due To Sewage Overflow


Bathers are being advised to avoid swimming under the hotels in the vicinity of Pembroke Gardens due to a sewage overflow.

The Environmental Health Directorate within the Superintendence of Public Health wishes to notify that until further notice bathing is not recommended due to sewage overflow affecting bathing water quality and presenting a risk to bathers' health under the hotels in the vicinity of Pembroke Gardens as marked in yellow in figure 1," it said in a statement.

"The EHOs are investigating to determine the source of sewage overflow. The duration of the contamination cannot be predicted at this stage."

Information signs indicating the area have been fixed in the area as indicated on the map below:

For further information, the public is kindly requested to contact the Health Inspectorate Services between 7.30am and 3.30pm by telephone number 21337333, or by calling personally at its offices at Continental Business Centre, Old Railway Track, St Venera or by email and 

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