Nederlanders op Malta, jullie hebben het goed bekeken! Terwijl familie en vrienden in Nederland zich nog steeds door koude regenbuien en gure wind heen worstelen, kunnen jullie hier op Malta volop genieten van de eerste tekenen van de lente. Maar wat kunnen jullie precies verwachten van het weer in februari en maart?
HEALTH WARNING - Authorities issue heat health warning
Authorities issue heat health warning, urge public to stay out of the sun
Stay in the shade, apply sunblock and wear a hat if you must go outside today, the Health Ministry said

The Health Authorities have issued a warning to the public to take necessary precautions and protect themselves from the effects of heat, as temperatures continue to soar on Monday.
On Monday, the Malta Meteorological Office reported that the temperature is set to feel like 43°C, with a high of 42°C, a low of 29°C and a UV index of 10 expected for the day.
In a press release, the Health Ministry warned the public to keep away from hot areas and avoid unnecessary exposure to the sun between 11 am and 4 pm. It also recommended that people alert a doctor immediately if they experience signs or symptoms of heat exhaustion and to regularly check in on the elderly or those who live alone.
The Ministry recommended staying in the coolest parts of your home or office, closing the curtains to apertures that face the sun, drinking more water and eating more cold food, wearing loose-fitting clothing and avoiding leaving anybody in a closed and parked vehicle - particularly infants, young children and animals.
They also recommended avoiding dehydrating liquids such as alcohol, coffee, tea and caffeinated soft drinks, which they said "can hurt more than they can help".
If you must be outside, they recommended walking in the shade, applying sunblock and wearing a hat.
The Ministry said that symptoms of heat exhaustion include headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, muscle weakness or cramps, pale skin and a high temperature.
Symptoms of heatstroke include headache, nausea, intense thirst, sleepiness, hot, red and dry skin, a sudden rise in temperature, confusion, aggression, convulsions and loss of consciousness.
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