Malta viert 44ste herdenking van 'Freedom Day'


Herdenkingsceremonie gehouden in Vittoriosa

The Prime Minister walks up the monument to lay flowers. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli
The Prime Minister walks up the monument to lay flowers. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli
The Armed Forces of Malta band playing the national anthem in Vittoriosa. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli
The Armed Forces of Malta band playing the national anthem in Vittoriosa. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli
Robert Abela (left) and Robert Cutajar share a moment after laying flowers at the foot of the monument. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli
Robert Abela (left) and Robert Cutajar share a moment after laying flowers at the foot of the monument. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli
Photo: Matthew Mirabelli
Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

Malta celebrated the 44th anniversary of the closure of the British military base on the islands on Friday, with a ceremony at the Freedom Day monument in Vittoriosa.

President George Vella inspected a guard of honour before walking up the monument to lay flowers.

Flowers were also laid by Prime Minister Robert Abela and Opposition whip Robert Cutajar.

The monument represents the lowering of the Union Jack for the last time by a British sailor and its replacement by a Maltese flag hoisted by a worker.

Freedom Day events continue with the traditional regatta in the afternoon.

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