Op naar het strand! De eerste HITTEGOLF van het jaar treft Malta volgende week


De temperaturen zullen naar verwachting oplopen tot boven de 30°C.

Credit: Maltairport.com
Credit: Maltairport.com

After an unexpectedly chilly start to spring 2022, Maltese weather finally seems to be catching up.

Not only is Malta recording temperatures well over the 20°C mark this entire week, but local weather page Maltese Islands Weatherhas just announced that a massive heatwave is on track to hit the islands in the coming days.

So much for springtime weather...

"Western Europe is about to experience its first heatwave of the year. Temperatures will be particularly extreme across Spain," the weather page wrote.

"The Maltese islands will also be affected, albeit to a lesser degree. We expect next week to bring the first 30°C plus temperatures of the season," it continued. 

The Malta International Airport's meteorological office is in agreement with Maltese Islands Weather's predictions, as it too is forecasting temperature highs of 30°C towards the start of next week.

The UV index will hit nine on Sunday and is forecast to remain at said level until at least next Wednesday.